The Regimen

Dial Up Your Antioxidant Therapy to Protect Skin from Summer Sun Damage

How to protect skin from sun damage


Melanin is the skin’s natural shield designed to protect cells from damage, and UV is its prime trigger. The more UV exposure skin receives, the more melanin it produces. The excess pigment production is part of a reactive chain of events set off by oxidative stress.

Don’t let the summer sun leave its mark on your skin. Incorporate these superstar antioxidants into your regimen to counter oxidative stress, avoid UV damage, and promote an even, luminous tone.


Retinoid (Vitamin A)

Retinoid is a potent antioxidant that directly targets pigmentation in two important ways. It inhibits tyrosinase (the enzyme responsible for pigment production) to help keep melanin from forming. It also aids in epidermal melanin dispersion by accelerating cell turnover, causing surface pigment to be shed more quickly. Retinoid also improves the structural integrity of the skin, thickening and compacting the epidermis to decrease excess melanin content.

Retinoid is often used in combination with alpha-hydroxy brighteners to maximize results. Vivant’s Exfol-A (vitamin A, lactic acid, kojic acid, niacinamide, glycolic acid) and Exfol-A Forté (vitamin A, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, citric acid, kojic acid, lactic acid, niacinamide) take advantage of this synergistic effect. If you are new to vitamin A, start with level one Derm-A-Gel and work your way up.  

Vitamin C

This superhero antioxidant interacts with copper ions at the tyrosinase active site, reducing the oxidative steps involved in melanin formation and inhibiting melanogenesis. It also boosts the body’s store of glutathione, a super-antioxidant that regulates tyrosinase activity. Vitamin C is known for its ability to prevent and repair UV damage, both from UVB (the shorter rays responsible for sunburns and skin cancer) and UVA (the rays that penetrate deep into the dermis causing damage to collagen, elastin, and DNA, and may stimulate the development of melanoma).

Make Pure C + E therapy your daily shield against the harmful UV radiation and free radical assault that can bring on dark spots and discoloration. The brightening and firming formula also includes lactic acid for gentle exfoliation, and niacinamide, which suppresses melanin synthesis, reduces inflammation, and bolsters the skin barrier.

Green Tea

Numerous studies have shown that the topical application of green tea polyphenols before UV exposure provides potent photoprotective effects and reduces cellular damage. Additionally, green tea extracts have been shown to directly inhibit melanin accumulation and melanin synthesis.

Vivant’s Green Tea Antioxidant Cleanser is loaded with bioactive polyphenols, vitamins E and C, and antioxidant micronutrients to give skin a daily photoprotective boost. 


This vitamin B derivative is a powerful antioxidant that improves the skin’s texture and tone. Niacinamide reduces pigmentation by disrupting the interaction between keratinocytes and melanocytes to block melanogenesis. Niacinamide is an all-around advocate for healthy skin, boosting ceramide production, contributing to healthy cell function, and reducing inflammation.

You’ll find niacinamide in many of Vivant’s formulas, including most of our serums, our Daily Repair PadsSkin Nourishing Toner, and Totaloe Calming and Hydrating Gel.

Clinical Mandelic acid

This gentle alpha-hydroxy acid aids in pigment reduction in several ways. It inhibits the melanin-producing enzyme tyrosinase to block pigment from forming. It encourages pigment to shed faster from the surface of skin through exfoliation. And because of its larger molecular structure, it’s absorbed more slowly into the skin, avoiding the irritation that can trigger a melanin response. Mandelic acid is especially good for sensitive skin or dark skin tones.

Vivant formulator pioneered the use of mandelic acid in skin care. We have a complete line of clinically-tested mandelic acid products, including cleansers, toners, and corrective serums. Shop Vivant’s Clinical Mandelic Acid products.

Phenolic Compounds

Bioactive phenolic compounds—flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols—are plant metabolites supercharged with antioxidant properties. Some of the highest concentrations are found in sources like green tea extract, grape pomace extract, rosehip oil, kiwi extract, mandelic acid, sea algae extract, aloe, witch hazel, and mandelic acid. 

For a heavy dose of phenolic protective goodness, try Vivant’s Skin Nourishing Toner. It’s an antioxidant cocktail of gently exfoliating acids and healing and hydrating botanicals, including mandelic acid, rosehip oil, green tea extract, kiwi fruit extract, grape pomace extract, witch hazel, and niacinamide.


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